Move Your Blog From Wix To WordPress

Step By Step Guide To Move Your Blog From Wix To WordPress

Move your blog from Wix to WordPress

Wix is an amazing platform for starting your small business. It makes easier to build a website using the drag and drop functionality.

But every platform has some limitations. To build a professional business website/blog, you can’t rely on Wix.

It wouldn’t stand for long. The speed, open source freedom, and many other aspects should be considered.

WordPress has many advantages over Wix. If you’re a Wix user and want to move your blog from Wix to WordPress then this guide is going to help you.

What You Need to Do Before Moving To WordPress

Wix has its own bundled hosting and to start a WordPress blog ( We’re talking about, you have to buy a domain name and a web hosting plan.

If already have a domain with Wix then you have to use the temporary domain name of your host.

Most of the web hosting companies provide one free domain name but you need a temporary domain so that you can shift your Wix domain to WordPress after migration.

First, buy a new web hosting. There are some reputed companies.

And if you need some more options then GreenGeeks and iPage are there.

NOTE : For more discount, you can contact us.

If you want a bigger plan then choose WP Engine which is one of the most reputed managed hostings.

After that, ask your hosting will give you a temporary domain or the subdomain.

What Are The Required Steps to Move Your Blog from Wix to WordPress

After having access to a subdomain or a temporary domain, you have to do a lot of things.

Let me provide you the list.

1. Install WordPress On The Temporary Domain.

To start with WordPress, you have to install it on the subdomain or the temporary domain.

Most of the web hosting provides one-click button WordPress installation. You can also install WordPress using cPanel.

You have to create a database during the WordPress installation so that WordPress starts adding the tables after the completion of migration.

2. Export The Content From Wix.

Unfortunately, Wix doesn’t provide any special method to export the data.

You have to do it manually by copying and pasting the content from Wix to WordPress. It’s a kind of work you have to do.

You can export the data when you move your blog from Squarespace to WordPress but Wix doesn’t support any such process.

2.1. Create the pages in WordPress.

Login to your WordPress admin panel and create new pages.

Go to Pages>>Add New and create the same pages you have on your Wix platform.

Copy the content of pages from Wix to WordPress. It’s not only about the text, if you have added any image in Wix then you have to upload that image in WordPress library to use it.

You can upload the images while creating the pages from the editor using the “Add Media” button.

2.2. Copy And Paste The Posts From Wix To WordPress.

Just like pages, you have to create new posts in WordPress and paste the content by copying from Wix.

To create a new post, go to Posts>>Add new and the WordPress post editor would open in front of you. There isn’t a much difference between creating a page and a post.

Just like you do for pages, you have to upload the images you used in your Wix posts to WordPress.

NOTE : – If you have made any interlink in your Wix posts then you have to edit those links again. If you wouldn’t then your readers will get redirected to your Wix blog which would show an error.

You have to change the links according to your WordPress blog. It’s because the URL of those posts have shifted to WordPress.

2.3. Do The Necessary WordPress Settings.

After the migration of all the pages and posts, you there are many things which should be done after WordPress installation.

You should set the SEO friendly permalinks, change the default admin username.

Disable PHP execution to improve the security.

There are many important plugins which should be installed.

3. Transfer Your Wix Domain.

As we talked before, if you wish to transfer your Wix domain then you have to generate the code from your Wix Account.

To move your blog from Wix to WordPress, it’s one of the important steps if you want to keep the same domain name.

Go to theDomains’ section and choose the domain.

  • Open Domains>>Manage
  • Choose the Domain Summary>>Advanced
  • Transfer away from Wix
  • Click Transfer and then send the code.

You will receive an email which would consist a code. Send that code to your web hosting provider.

They will complete the transfer.

NOTE :- According to some rules, you can’t transfer a domain until 60 days of registration or migration.

4. Change the WordPress Site URL From Its Settings.

After the migration, you should check that everything works fine.

You were using the temporary domain but now the Wix domain has transferred to WordPress.

So, you have to change the site URL.

It can be done from the WordPress settings or the database. Just go to Settings>>General and you would see WordPress URL and Site URL.

Enter the URL of your domain name in both the fields. Make sure that you enter the same URL in both.

If you don’t, it would show you 503 error.

5. Choose a Better WordPress Theme.

After all the settings, you have to focus on the design of your blog.

There are many free themes in the WordPress repository. But it’s always recommended to go for premium themes. You can read about the free vs paid WordPress themes.

Let me mention some theme providers.

And if you need a custom website then contact us.

Did You Move Your Blog from Wix to WordPress

After all those copy and paste, if your website is running then congrats. You have successfully migrated the content to WordPress.

If you have a bigger website then it would be very difficult to transfer the content.

There is also a plugin which can help you during this process but it’s not that much reliable as the manual method.

Most of the time, if you want to move your blog from Wix to WordPress then people advice to starting with a new one.

But if you can put some effort then it won’t be a problem. If you don’t have the time then you can hire someone to migrate the content.

I hope this would work for you. If you face any problem, feel free to drop a comment.

You can also connect with us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hey Ravi,

    Great tutorial on moving from Wix to WordPress. While I’ve never had a Wix site, I am sure that many people would love this type of tutorial. So many people are choosing to go self-hosted for their blog.

    Most people will choose WordPress because of all the things that you can do with it. I am sure that anyone who makes the transition from Wix to WordPress will be able to follow your tutorial step-by-step.

    Thanks for sharing this tutorial with us. Have a great day ?


    1. Hi Susan,

      I have used almost every platform just to test their features. And Wix is easy to use platform with beautiful designs. But nothing is better than WordPress.

      Eventually, people need to move to the self hosted WordPress version. Though there is no such tool which is 100% effective still people use CMS 2 CMS plugin.

      But I recommend to do it manually.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  2. Hi Ravi,

    Informative post!

    I’d not heard of Wix earlier, so this was something new for me, though my better half would be knowing it I am sure. Liked the way you explained how one can move from Wix to WordPress, which would help those who are wanting to migrate.

    Thanks for sharing. Happy weekend ?

    1. Hey Harleena,

      Wix is just like Blogger, Squarespace but with better options. It’s considered as Wix has many beautiful themes and the drag and drop features make it easy to use.

      I have used it only for giving an idea to my readers. Then comes the migration process which requires the manual efforts.

      I am sure, Vinay would know about it.

      Thanks for sharing your views.


  3. Hello Ravi,

    Great piece of information up here ?

    The step by step guide from your side as made it a lot easier to understand, how to move our blogs from wix to wordpress.

    I have never been on wix but heard that it is good for small scale business.

    Is it so?

    No, doubt wordpress is one of the most used as it offers a wide range of everything one need to get started with their blogs.

    Thanks for the share


  4. Hey Ravi,

    I happen to know a few people who chose WIX as their platform and are now regretting it. They’ve built up their site but know wants to go to WordPress instead. This post will be very helpful to them.

    Personally, I never liked WIX. I tried it once and didn’t like the fact that I could own the domain. And that I had to give away all of my limbs if I wanted to get the full domain with .Wix there.

    1. Hi Andrew,

      I have tried Wix just to experiment so that I can tell my readers what it’s like. There are different kinds of people but at last most of them want to shift to WordPress.

      I have crafted this post to help them. I hope it can give them an insight.

      Thanks for stopping by.


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